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Analog Tyopologies is an independent  project on urban research and visual anthropology founded by Inés Vachez in 2021.


Through the combination of words and film photography as means to understand the physical and metaphysical world, Analog Typologies' publications, interventions and exhibitions explore human relations with their natural context, built environment, and between each other. 




Inés Vachez (Guadalajara 1994) is an urban researcher, writer and photographer, master in urban typologies from the TU Berlin and a graduate in architecture from ITESO. She has coordinated and participated in exhibitions and urban interventions in the cities of Guadalajara, Berlin and Vienna. Her practice explores human relationships with their natural and built environment, and her publications can be found in independent bookstores in several cities in Mexico, the United States, Argentina and Europe. In 2022 she was awarded a grant by the government of Jalisco for the publication of her first book Arquitectura, remesas y aspiraciones: Microhistoria de la transformación de un pueblo (Architecture and Migration: Microhistory of the transformation of a town). 


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